Increasing and/or creating fundraising opportunities for camperships:
"for-profit" and
non-profit camps
As a former camp director who has worked in both the non-profit and for-profit spaces, Nick enjoys getting to combine these skill sets to help more campers get to camp. Here are some of the things Nick will do in a campership partnership:
Guarantee of at least two times return on investment (yes, really - makes it a no-brainer!)
Create a plan for raising funds for camperships specific to your camp
Create infrequent newsletter "asks" for alumni, families, and friends of your camp
Set up, or perfect, an easy way for people to give toward camperships from your website
Maintain and analyze a donor database for your camp*
Create ways that entice younger alumni and even campers to give (e.g., "swag fundraisers")
Pinpoint potential major gift donors to cultivate and coach directors on in-person “asks,” if desired
Prepare graphs and info, including a professional annual report PDF to put on your website
& more!
*This may depend on how (or if) you are already bringing in these funds