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Consulting & Staff Training on:
Transgender & Non-Binary Inclusion

Is your camp dealing with:

Campers & staff - current or prospective - who identify as transgender, non-binary, or otherwise gender diverse?

A gap in understanding, education, and implementation strategies from your leadership or frontline staff?

Needing help in navigating gender inclusion in a way that makes sense for trans campers, staff, and everyone else at camp?

"Nick helped us to design a training for both our board and staff as well as facilitate a thoughtful board discussion on gender identity and sexuality in a single-gender camp setting. Nick's work was tailored to our unique needs and culture. Nick really helped us grow and learn as a community. Nick is a valued partner and a pleasure to work with."  - Garth Altenburg, Camp Timanous

What are some ways that Fairwinds can help you move forward?

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  • Creating and writing gender inclusion policies and/or practices for your camp or helping revamp your current ones

  • Training your leadership and/or front-line staff on the many facets of what it means to be trans or non-binary, and how that fits into your camp

  • Helping work through fears and questions about making your camp a safe place for all genders

  • Talking to prospective or current trans campers and staff, listening to their experiences, and helping you decide how your camp can move forward

  • With the right help, we promise, it's not overwhelming!

Preparation is key

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Getting as much information as possible about your trans/non-binary campers' & staff's needs before camp is critical to ensuring a positive experience.


  • What policies or anti-discrimination rules does your camp already have in place, if any?

  • How do anti-discrimination laws affect your camp?

  • What information do you want to gather from campers and staff about their gender identity, and how will you use that?

  • Is your current camp culture as safe as necessary for campers and staff to be whomever they truly are?

  • What is holding you back, if anything, from getting robust training and moving forward in the area of gender inclusion?


Nick can help you with all of these facets so that you feel more prepared to promote gender inclusion.

What qualifications does Fairwinds Camp Consulting have?

Dr. Nick Teich, PhD, LCSW, is a social worker by training and a camp founder and director of a camp for transgender & non-binary youth. His work in camp over the past 22 years has often centered around mental health, gender, and well-being of campers. He is a member of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health.

Let's talk!

A Zoom call with Nick can help him understand your needs and see how he can best help your camp.


Click here to set up a meeting,

text or call 207.200.5228, or email

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